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Press Release

i Jun 3rd No Comments by


The Disability Society is outraged
that the Government of Gibraltar has dragged its name into what is ultimately a
political spat. To insinuate that the Society was consulted in the decision to
replace workers with fixed term contracts is nothing but misleading propaganda.
The Society was informed by parents who were affected by the decision to
replace said workers not by the Government themselves. Despite meeting with the
Care Agency and several long discussions with Unite the Union we were
ultimately informed by both parties that nothing could be done to alter the
decision to proceed with the non-renewal of the contracts. The issue of
continuity of care and the wellbeing of our members was foremost in all our

The Society has for over 50 years
worked closely with any Government regardless of which party. Our priority has
always been our members and their families. We would never agree to any
decision that would be detrimental to our members. Our mantra will always
remain continuity of care. As a committee we have always given our time freely
to defend the rights of the most vulnerable in our community. For Government to
make a statement that others in our community believe as fact is an insult to
the hard work that all those on the committee, present and past, have made.


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