About Us

Founded in 1966 by a group of parents with disabled children the Society set three objectives:

  1. A state education
  2. Adult residential care
  3. A social security allowance.

However today our three objectives have evolved into inclusive education, supported living within the community and the introduction of legislation to protect the rights of disabled persons in Gibraltar.

The Society promotes the interest of disabled persons and their entitlement to education, family, leisure and recreation, housing and employment.

The Gibraltar Disability Society is not exclusive to one form of disability. We offer help to all whether their disability be physical, learning or both.

The Society’s main aim has always been to raise funds to help disabled people with equipment and other necessities that are not covered by other financial sources. We have two main ways of fund raising. Once a year we have our annual flag day and we also hold a yearly bingo session. No Committee member is paid for their time and effort so all funds go directly to the Charity. The Society does not canvas for but graciously accepts contributions.

Disability can strike at any age often without warning. Some people are born with a disability, for others it can arise out of a trauma such as an accident or fit, or it can be the result of an illness such as meningitis. The result may mean that an individual and their family need to adapt their life style. The Society is a voluntary mutual support organisation capable of offering help, advice and support.

Please note the information, resources and guidelines available on our website could be subject to change, although up to date at the time of publication on this site. Should you require more, up to date information, please contact the Gibraltar Disability Society directly using our contact details.