The Blog

Flag Day

i Mar 2nd No Comments by

The committee would like thank all those who volunteered their help on flag day. Thanks also to all those who kindly donated and helped raise a grand total of £1,462.76.


i Jan 2nd No Comments by

A designated area will be made available at the Piazza in which chairs will be provided for
the elderly. The area is also available for wheelchair users and persons with a physical
disability supported with the blue badge scheme.
Access to the area will be on a ‘first come first served’ basis. People who wish to make
use of this area can be accompanied by one other person and will need to produce their
blue badge on the day.

Final Submission at the Dr Giraldi Hearing

i Dec 12th No Comments by

The Disability Society would like to thank Anne Balestrino for representing the Society and it’s members at the Dr Giraldi Hearings. She did so in a caring, understanding and professional manner.

Below is a excerpt from the final submission by Anne at the close of the hearings.

Anne Balestrino, the lawyer representing the Disability Society, told the Inquiry that the issues at stake went further than whether the service provided to residents of the Dr Giraldi Home was appropriate or not.
“What the Society is saying is that it goes beyond the fact that there was lack of training or lack of staff numbers, unsuitable bathrooms, it goes beyond that, in the sense that the institutionalised model of the Home was inappropriate,” she said.
Mrs Balestrino said that while some family members of residents were happy with the service, others were not.
What was needed was an individualised approach to the provision of care, one that met the specific, evolving needs of each resident.
“So in effect you are saying that there is evidence of a lack of flexibility, are you?” Sir Jonathan asked.
“Yes, sir, and in fact it shows that there is lack of individualism, that it’s more of a one package fits all, so to speak, rather than catering for the resident as an individual, and also meeting his needs as an individual, rather than under the same umbrella for everyone.”
Mrs Balestrino said the fact that the Dr Giraldi Home had changed from three to five flats showed that the facility was in need of constant change depending on demand, not least because many disabled people lived with families who may be unable to care for them in the future.
“As family members they want to ensure that their children are well looked after,” Mrs Balestrino said.
“This is not the emotive parents wanting unrealistic expectations. These are obviously people who have experience with dealing with disabled persons, they have been dealing with it all their lives.”
They are “…people who are well versed in the research, in the developments, they have undertaken training themselves.”
“So they are very much hoping to work in partnership with the Government in securing, should I say, their Santa’s letter, their wishes.”
“Hopefully this would be something that at least in the report would come through.”

International Day of People with Disabilities

i Dec 2nd No Comments by

Today, 3rd December, is International Day of People with Disabilities. This is a United Nations sanctioned day that aims to promote an understanding of people with disabilities and encourage support for their dignity, rights and well-being. There have been many improvements over the years within Gibraltar for those with disabilities, many of which have been fought hard for, but there is still long way to go. The Gibraltar Disability Society has always placed anti-discriminatory legislation at the top of its agenda, therefore we would like use this day to call for Government to urgently honour their manifesto commitment “to legislate to further protect disabled people within their first year in Government using the terms of the UN Convention as a model”.


Gibraltar Disability Society Bingo at the Gala Casino
Wednesday 13th November bingo starts 9.30pm
Tickets £12 for 10 games
Please note: tickets have no seat numbers so arrive early to get your table
1st Game is a two line game prize of Buffet for two at the Casino
2nd-9th Game prizes £10 for the first line and £50 for the house
10th Game prizes £20 for the first line and £1,000 for the house
Tickets available from Angela on 57178000 or 20075210
Raffle tickets to be sold on the night for a draw before the last game
Please support as all proceeds go to the Disability Society

Project SEARCH

The Gibraltar Disability Society is proud to have sponsored the visit to Gibraltar of Ms Erin Riehle, Founder and Senior Director and Mrs Anne O’Bryan, UK Lead/European Programme Specialist both from Project SEARCH. The main purpose of their visit, arranged by Nicole Byrne, was to meet with Education Minister Gilbert Licudi, Health Minister John Cortes and Social Affairs Minister Samantha Sacramento. Since its inception in 1996 Project SEARCH has grown from a single program site to over 200 sites across the United States and Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland Australia and Main Land Europe. The Disability Society wanted the Ministers to have the opportunity to hear firsthand how Project SEARCH could improve the choices young people with disabilities have to be able to lead productive lives within the community. Nicole Byrne also hopes to travel to Glasgow to learn more about the opportunities created by Project SEARCH in Scotland. We wish to thank the Ministers for finding the time to meet with Nicole, Erin and Anne.

Project SEARCH was first developed in Cincinnati Children’s Hospital to support people with learning disabilities into work and has a very clear goal – to give young people with learning disabilities the skills to gain competitive paid employment. The program provides real-life work experience combined with training in employability and independent living skills to help youths with disabilities make successful transitions from school to productive adult life. The Project SEARCH model involves an extensive period of training and career exploration, innovative adaptations, long-term job coaching, and continuous feedback from teachers, job coaches, and employers. As a result, at the completion of the training program, students with intellectual disabilities are employed in non-traditional, complex and rewarding jobs. The presence of a Project SEARCH High School Transition Program can bring about long-term changes in business culture that have far-reaching positive effects on attitudes about hiring people with disabilities and the range of jobs in which they can be successful.

Shopmobility Move

Gibraltar’s Shopmobility has been moved from the ICC building  to the Gibraltar Tourist Board in Casemates.

The new opening hours are:
Monday – Friday 0900-1730
Saturday – 1000-1500
Sunday – 1000-1300
Public Holidays – 1000-1400
The Contact telephone number remains the same 200 79898.

St Martin’s School Extension

The Kusuma Trust has funded a new extension to St Martin’s School. The extension will have its official opening later this year although parts of the facility will be used before due to the immediate need for space in the school. The new area comprises a large classroom facility with adjacent but separate purpose built shower/bathroom and toilet facilities, a store room and a comfort/safe space room. Additionally, there is a large therapy room which can also be used for multidisciplinary clinics with paediatricians and visiting consultants. The back of the main wing extension includes a patio within which students will be able to plant seeds, grow flowers, herbs and the odd vegetable or fruit.

Leeds Building Society Fundraising

The Leeds Building Society kindly donated £5 from any account opened from 29th July to 29th August 2013. A wonderful total of £80 was raised during the month. Thanks to the staff of the Leeds for their continued fundraising this year which has raised over £480.

Disability Allowance Increase

The Government has approved an increase in Disability Allowance  with effect from 1st August 2013. The rate for an adult has been increased to £361.34. The rate for a child or young person under the age of 18 has been increased  to £258.10. It will be paid, together with arrears as from 1st October 2013