The Blog

Dr Giraldi Home Inquiry

i Feb 10th No Comments by

The Dr Giraldi Home Inquiry is now complete and the report by Sir Jonathan Parker has now been made public. The Gibraltar Disability Society would like to take this opportunity to thank their lawyer Anne Balestrino for her professionalism and for the dedication to the service users and their families that she has shown throughout. Thanks also to Sir Jonathan Parker who also showed understanding particularly by allowing disabled service users to remain anonymous throughout. The Society hopes that with the release of the report it will bring the matter to a close and allow the service users, their families and care workers to move forward with the dignity they have always shown.

Dr Giraldi Home Inquiry Report

i Feb 6th No Comments by

The Dr Giraldi Home Inquiry Report has now been made public and can be viewed at

Press Release 5th February 2015

i Feb 4th No Comments by

The Gibraltar Disability Society is shocked that the Care Agency chose to make a press release on Friday 23rd January regarding the 11 month contract issue, the day after Minister Sacramento met with the parents of the service users who attend St Bernadettes and in most cases Dr Giraldi to discuss this very issue. Parents made it very clear to the Minister, CEO Mr Bruzon and two secretaries that accompanied her that their concerns echoed that of the press release made by the Gibraltar Disability Society in November (see our website). In fact the serious concerns expressed by the Society in its press release in November were neither taken up by the Government nor the opposition. This begs the question of why the disabled are not deemed important enough in our society to be worthy of mention when such issues are raised publicly. In fact there seemed to be more concern amongst politicians regarding the issue of lighting in a local estate. In regard to this particular issue a flurry of press releases back and forth between Government and opposition culminated in a statement by Government which contained the words: “The Government would thus like to take this opportunity to make it clear that it takes the safety and security of Gibraltar’s citizens as its first priority. This includes the health and safety of Gibraltarians at home,” The Society feels perhaps this part of the statement should have continued “unless you are a disabled member of our society”.

The press release of 23rd January by the Care Agency barely addressed the major issue of continuity of care and the Care Agency’s own declared policy of person centred planning. It also goes against advice from UK experts hired by Government and instead appears to encourage local feelings of anti foreign workers with regard to jobs in Gibraltar. Minister Sacramento stated in the meeting with parents that “they” (the staff on 11 months contracts) could be employed by the local private company Grand Home Care. This begs the question of why the staff of the disabled service cannot continue to provide continuity of care and locals be employed by said private company. The press release states that the change of staff will take place over 24 months giving ample time for training of new staff, yet parents were informed that staff in the disabled services will be replaced by the end of May 2015. It also stated that out of the 600 members of staff throughout the whole care agency only 18 will be affected by the decision not to renew their contracts, yet the disabled services alone have 33 members of staff on such contracts. The Care Agency needs to provide a breakdown to support its claim of how many staff in the disabled services are to be affected.

The Government in now in its fourth year of office and as yet there has been no expansion to the core services for the disabled. Dr Giraldi Home is full, the provision of new flat as announced by Minister Sacramento on a previous occasion has been achieved by dividing the current home into smaller units. Dr Giraldi was originally two flats and within the same space there are now six flats. As the home is full any new residents or emergency cases are housed in the respite flat. This has now decreased the number of beds available for respite and in this month alone respite to all families of adults has been cut by one third from 6 weekends in six months to 4 weekends. Minister Sacramento attempted to justify this decision by stating that more families were becoming entitled to use the respite service and therefore existing users could expect less. St Bernadettes Resource Centre, despite receiving new intakes from St Martins school every year, has still not been expanded. We have a service at the Centre that has to cater for the age range of 17 to the very elderly. The Disability Society has questioned for many years why expansion has not been started by not only this government but by previous governments. Expansion by this Government would obviously increase the need for more staff and therefore negate the need to not renew the contracts of those on short term contracts. Mention has been made by Minister Sacramento over the last three years of one year, three year and five year plans for said services. This however seems irrelevant as nothing has been done since the government came into power.

Parents between them have hundreds of years of experience with disabled family members which is probably more than the entire staff of the care agency put together and certainly more than any politician past or present. Yet their experience is not called upon when major changes are being considered. In fact the Care Agency Board of which our chairwoman is a member has only met once in the last three years despite legislation stating it should meet once every three months. As a  Gibraltar charity that has been supporting the disabled in Gibraltar since 1966 the Society of course welcomes Governments aim to lower the number of unemployed in Gibraltar. We cannot however support this aim at the expense of the safety and welfare of the disabled service users. Our concerns have been expressed at meetings with the head of Unite the union and a staff representative. Yet at their meeting with Government to discuss the 11 month contract issue, a meeting which the Society expressed a wish to attend but was not invited, union representatives did not to mention our concerns. Other union representatives present at a said meeting seemed confused as to why the union had not been in possession of the information provided by the Society. Perhaps this is an issue they should raise with those who, it seems, were not willing to raise our concerns despite being fully informed.

The Society and its members are fully aware that most local beaches are now disabled friendly, that some tourist sites now have disabled access, that more disabled parking has been made available and public events now cater for people with disabilities. These are wonderful photo opportunities when made public. But where is the UN legislation promised in the first year of this government, where are the improvements in the core services for disabled and why are parents, who are getting older, having their much needed respite cut when life is becoming more difficult for them. Why are some members in our community not receiving any support at all? Why was there none of the promised consultation before setting up the supported employment company which has since collapsed? Why is the need during this election year to cut down the numbers of local unemployed put above the safety and welfare of the users of the disabled service? The Gibraltar Disability Society has never got involved in politics and as a non government organisation is exceedingly proud of this fact. It has worked with both main parties when in power and dealt with several Ministers, CEO’s and other staff. It has never however been treated with such contempt as it feels it is at present. The Committee supports and represents it members and receives no financial reward for its hard work. The disabled families in Gibraltar are very close and supportive of each other. When issues affect one family it is felt by all. The Society and its members may be considered a minority group in Gibraltar but we feel it says a lot about all politicians when disabled people are once again relegated to the bottom of the list of priorities.


i Jan 6th No Comments by

Gibraltar Disability Society held its annual Bingo at the Admiral Casino on Tuesday 27th January. The Committee would like to thank all those who attended and the staff at the Casino for a very successful evening. A wonderful £2,400 was raised for the charity. We would also like to thank all those who donated raffle prizes which helped contribute to this fantastic total: Cake Creations, Admiral Casino, Cutting Edge, Eddie Stores, Gatsby’s, Gibraltar Crystal, Kaycee, Med Computers, My Wines, Revlon, Seruya, Silver Shop, Trafalgar Pharmacy, Valmar Pharmacy and those who donated anonymously.

Donation to Dr Giraldi

i Dec 8th No Comments by
A 47” television has been presented to the Dr Giraldi Home by Jessica Bonfante, who used to work at the Home. The television has now been installed in one of the flats at Dr Giraldi. Jessica was the organiser of a successful Bridal Competition held at the Alameda Open Air Theatre.

Disability Day 2014

i Dec 1st No Comments by

Wednesday 3rd December will be International Day of People with Disabilities, a United Nations sanctioned day that aims to promote an understanding of people with disabilities and encourage support for their dignity, rights and well-being.  This year many good causes have had their days celebrated in different ways including the lighting of the Moorish Castle in various colours. The Gibraltar Disability Society calls upon the Government to mark this day in 2014 by introducing the legislation based on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities that was promised within the first year of Government.

Press Release 18th November 2014

i Nov 18th No Comments by

The Disability Society calls upon the Government to reverse its decision not to renew the 11 month contracts of carers in the disability services. The Society will go further and ask Government to make those who have been on these rolling contracts for several years to be have their contracts made permanent. This is an exceedingly worrying situation not only for the Society but also the families of the service users. The Society has always voiced the view that continuity of care, and this importantly includes staff, is key to the care of its members and their safety and wellbeing. We also understand that experts brought in by the Government also advise continuity of care which includes staff members. Service users, particularly those who are non verbal or have trouble expressing themselves clearly, require staff who have come to understand, over long periods of time, their needs. Working with disabled people, particularly those with learning disabilities, is a vocation and not just a job. The decision to make such a huge change in staff, particularly non renewal of contracts of those who have been there for a number of years, without consultation from those involved be it service users, family members or the Disability Society is not acceptable. The Dr Giraldi Home and St Bernadettes Resource Centre are at the core of the services for the disabled. These services are for those who are truly the most vulnerable people in our society yet all management are still only acting in their positions. This begs the question of why Government, who have had at least two years, have not made any of these positions permanent. The Society does not only care about the service users but also the staff of these services. Without many of these good staff members there will be no “good” service. At present the Society detects a sense of concern amongst those who work in the services. If contracts are not permanent, despite many years of proving oneself to be a good carer, positions remain acting over a long period of time, the concern and unease that the staff begin to feel will be manifested onto the service users.

The Society therefore calls upon the Government to refrain from ultimately dismissing carers by refusing to renew their contracts as many of those carers affected are held in high esteem by not only the service users themselves but by their families.

Children’s Chrismas Party Cancellation

i Nov 1st No Comments by

Dear Parents,

After much consideration and discussion the committee has unfortunately made the decision to cancel its annual children’s Christmas party. Due to the growing number of disabled children and their siblings the party has become too large, not only financially, but in the amount of time needed to cater present wise for each individual child.

The committee has therefore decided to hold a party, possibly in January 2015 (this will be confirmed at a later date), which will consist of party food and drink and entertainment for all the children rather than individual presents.

The Committee hopes that you understand why we have had to make this decision. We will let you know as soon as possible details of the new party and look forward to seeing you all.

Best regards

The Committee

The Gibraltar Disability Society

Dr Giraldi Inquiry update

i Oct 3rd No Comments by

The Chairman of the Dr Giraldi Home Inquiry, Sir Jonathan Parker, has now completed a draft of his final report following last year’s month long hearing. Sir Jonathan has been drafting his report into the issues raised at the Inquiry, including allegations of “mismanagement, misconduct and malpractice, including abuse” at the Dr Giraldi Home, since the conclusion of the final hearing last December. The  Chairman explained at the time that anyone who provided evidence to the Inquiry and who was singled out for adverse criticism in the report will be given an opportunity to respond before the document is made public That stage has now been reached, and letters are being sent to relevant persons inviting responses and/or comments by no later than the end of October. The Chairman will consider any such responses or comments before finalising the Report and presenting it to the Government as required by the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference.

Cinema Subtitles

i Jul 30th No Comments by

We have received the following announcement from the Gibraltar Hearing Impaired and Tinitus Association. Well done Leisure Cinemas.
“We have the pleasure to inform all our members that as part of the improvements at Leisure Cinemas, subtitles on movies will be possible thanks to the use of state of the art electronic viewing glasses that will be given to the customer on request (pending availability due to demand) at no extra charge.”