The art exhibition was opened by Minister Sacramento and Carlos Bandera on the evening of 18th January. Artwork by 37 service users of the Dr Giraldi Home and St Bernadettes Resource Centre is on display at the Gustavo Bacarisas Gallery in Casemates. There is wonderful display of vibrant and expressive paintings which include two works by the group as a whole. Much work has been put into this exhibition not only from the artists themselves but from those who supported them including five local art students Sophie Bossino, Laura Glendhill Cortes, Kayleigh Ann Thond also local artists Peter Mosca and Christian Hook. Not only will these artworks be displayed locally there will also be a second exhibition held at the Scalvini Museum located in Milan, Italy. This second exhibition will be held from 5th to 27th March at the invitation of Profesor Cristiano Plicato, Director of the Scalvini Museum. All paintings are for sale with several painting being sold on the opening night. The Gibraltar Disability Society would like to congratulate all the artists on their wonderful exhibition and recommend a worth while trip by all to view these amazing paintings which are on show until 30th January.
The Department of Equality is introducing a series of lectures and seminars aimed at the private sector to show how an inclusive business can mean a more profitable business. The series will be called “Equality Means Business” and will commence with an awareness seminar and training workshop on accessibility to the physical environment.
As a matter of Government policy, every single new Government project is entirely accessible. The Government encourages the private sector to follow suit, and is looking to highlight the business case for doing so. The Department of Equality is fronting this with an awareness initiative with the aim that principles of inclusion and equality are embraced in both the private and public sectors. Accordingly, the Government wishes to assist in providing training and awareness on accessibility to buildings for the disabled and elderly.
The Department for Equality has organised two different seminars:
1. A seminar on how to make your premises accessible on Monday 30th November between 2pm-5pm at the O’Callaghan Eliott Hotel.
2. A 2 day, more in depth, training workshop from the 1st to 2nd December 2015 to be held at the University of Gibraltar on access audit training. A detailed outline of the training programme is available upon request.
Both the seminar and training sessions will be delivered by Ian Streets, Managing Director of
About Access Ltd. Mr Streets is no stranger to Gibraltar, having delivered some very successful
training sessions last year. He has been providing advice to clients in the UK on the Disability
Discrimination Act, Equality Act and access to buildings/sites for disabled persons. His clients
include both the national and local government in the UK, housing associations, national charities
and businesses. His work ranges from single site audits to portfolios with over 300 sites. A
regular part of his work includes preparing plan appraisals and advice to national/local
government bodies and businesses on policy relating to access.
To register contact: Tel: 20070112 E-mail
Disability Legislation
Supported Employment
Independent Inspections
Staffing of the Disability Services
St Bernadette’s Resource Centre
Dr Giraldi Home
Future planning for persons with disabilities
Supported Independent Living
Sponsored Patients
Increase support from Government
Accessibility, Services and Transport
The Gibraltar Disability Society is pleased to see the release of the Disability Bill by Government for public consultation. Although the Society and many others hoped to see the introduction of the UN Convention we were recently informed that this would not be possible at present. The reason we are given is that Gibraltar is not a member of the UN and the Convention therefore would need to be introduced through the UK. This would not be possible unless Gibraltar had existing disability legislation on which to build. We therefore hope that the introduction of the Disability Bill into law will be the first step by Government towards Gibraltar being included in the UN Convention. It is upon this condition that the Society has given its support to the proposed Disability Bill. The Society thanks Minister Sacramento for giving the Society the opportunity to be a stakeholder and considering our representations. Now the Bill has been released as a Command Paper and after considering the final draft presented by Government the Society will be making further comments for the improvement of the Disability Bill.
In line with the commitment in its general election manifesto, the Government will publish a Command Paper for legislation which will further enhance and protect people with disabilities. The terms of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has been used as a model for a Bill which will make provision for the betterment of persons with disabilities within Gibraltar. This Bill introduces a standalone piece of legislation for persons with disabilities setting out several principles and obligations that should be considered by the Government or any public body before taking policy decisions or actions. The ultimate purpose being to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all fundamental rights and freedoms by persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity.
The main drive of the Bill is to create a structure upon which persons with disabilities have a stronger say in the policies that affect their lives, establishing standards that public and private entities should meet in order to ensure that the rights of persons with disabilities are protected and promoted, increasing the possibility of participation in all aspects of life, to promote positive attitudes towards persons with disabilities and to obtain a greater level of protection against discrimination.
These aims are met by committing the Government to take practical action to make the rights a reality by –
a) taking steps so that persons with disabilities can enjoy the same rights as everyone else;
b) looking at existing legislation and revoking or amending if necessary;
c) ensuring that professionals who work with persons with disabilities have training to understand how to respect their rights;
d) promoting accessibility including the development of standards; and
e) gathering information and statistics about the position of persons with disabilities in society so that progress may be tracked and policies developed and improved as necessary.
Commenting on the publication of the Command Paper, the Minister for Equality and Social Services Samantha Sacramento said: “The Government has given much thought as to the method that would be employed to take this important matter forward. I am delighted that we will further enhance and protect the rights of
disabled persons. A Command Paper is a consultation document which is issued before the publication of a Bill. As with other important Command Papers, there has been consultation and discussion with relevant stakeholders. I am very proud to have led on this matter as Gibraltar’s first Minister for Equality.”
There will be a spectator stand of 50 seats for persons with a mobility disability and a viewing platform to accommodate wheelchair users. Anyone wishing to avail themselves of this service must be blue badge holders.
Persons wanting a space at the wheelchair viewing platform or the stand for persons with a mobility disability will be able to obtain tickets on a first come served basis by contacting the Gibraltar Cultural Services directly on telephone 20067236 before the 28th August 2015, to register and pick up their ticket. Ticket holders may be accompanied by one other person. Blue badge to be presented on collection of tickets. No tickets will be available on the 10th September.
The Society has written the following to Government: Thank you for the information. Please note however that the stipulation of only one family member accompanying the disabled individual on the viewing platform is unfair to many families. If the disabled individual is a child with siblings they will once again be asked to spend time segregated from the rest of their family if they choose to use the platform. The same applies to a disabled individual who wishes to attend with both parents. This is a situation that has arisen on previous national days and still has not be addressed by the organisers.
The Clock to Rock boys finally made it back to Gibraltar on Saturday afternoon. An absolutely amazing fundraising event finished in Casemates to a wonderful welcome. The guys cycled from the frontier accompanied by many local cyclists and were given an escort along Line Wall Road and up Main Street by police cyclists. Donations are still coming in so we will hopefully update everyone soon on how much Simon Morgan has raised for the Disability Society. Congratulations to the cyclists Simon Morgan, Mark Cooper, Graham Dyer and to their support driver Mervyn Padmore.
Simon Morgan is raising money for the Gibraltar Disability Society
Saturday 20th of June kickoff at 10.30am at Victoria Stadium. Members from both political party’s will be playing!!! Members of GFA Special Olympic team and various local characters will also be playing – too many to mention on the one post.
Come along and show your support – non football fans may attend!
No tickets required – a donation on the door is all that is needed. A raffle for prize will be held on the day. A half time prize winning penalty shoot out will also be held against GFA goalkeeper!!
The Government has announced that the pool for the disabled and elderly will be closed from Tuesday 26th May for several weeks for works to be carried out. It is hoped that the pool will be reopened again in time for the usual summer season opening hours. Although works on the interior of the pool are long overdue the Society feels that perhaps these should have been carried out during the winter months when the pool is in less demand from those it was intended for.
We would like to thank the staff of STM Group Plc who have kindly donated £275 to the Disability Society.