The Disability Society has today met with the head of the Gibraltar Taxi
Association and have been assured that there is no new policy regarding
independent wheelchair users requiring carers to travel in adapted
taxis. We understand that this matter was raised on social media and we
are happy to clarify the situation.
Janet Deborah BORASTERO Chairperson of the Gibraltar Disability Society also receives an MBE for services to the disabled community in Gibraltar Debbie Borastero is recognised for an exceptional and sustained contribution to disabled people in Gibraltar through her 21 years of voluntary involvement with the Gibraltar Disability Society. As a leader, advocate and practitioner, Ms Borastero has transformed the scope, proficiency and compassion with which Gibraltar thinks, respects and acts regarding disability. She has championed the advance of law, shaped Health Authority policy and opened the door to dignity and hope for some of the most disenfranchised members of Gibraltarian society. Due to Ms Borastero’s significant efforts over many years, a generation of Gibraltarians have been increasingly freed from being defined by their disability. On learning of her award, Debbie Borastero said “I am very honoured to receive such recognition from Her Majesty. I must thank the Committee of the Gibraltar Disability Society, our members and their families and especially my children for their support. It must never be forgotten that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, dignity and equality regardless of their ability.”
The Disability Society welcomes the recent press release from the Government and Unite the union regarding their agreement to review Supported Employment (link below). The promise that employees on the scheme will achieve equalisation of terms and conditions with the placement employer is long overdue and something the Society has been calling for for many years.
Unfortunately to say that the scheme has been successful since 2011 is an erroneous statement. The Society has raised its concerns about the failure of the Government’s Supported Employment Company on many occasions. The Government and Union say they have agreed to explore the possibility of extending the scheme to support other disadvantaged groups. The Society therefore hopes that there is now real resolve on the part of Government to make the necessary changes to bring about successful supported employment in Gibraltar.
The Disability Society welcomes the introduction of a system, along the lines of that long used in UK, that allows the use of public accessible toilet faciliites 24 hours a day. The Society is however concerned that only one toilet will be used to pilot the scheme (market place) and would suggest perhaps the toilet at the Piazza should also be part of the pilot scheme. Below are the links to the press release, information booklet and application form.…/docume…/equality/732-2019.pdf
A huge thank you to St Joseph’s First School for the wonderful donation of £800. In lieu of sports day a week of activities was held to raise money for charity. Such was the success of the fundraising four charities were chosen by the children themselves to receive donations. A presentation was held at the school where the children sung a lovely version of their school song. Well done to all concerned 🙂
Unfortunately there are a number of points on our wish list that have remained outstanding over the last several years!
Supported Employment
Article 27 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities obligates States parties to recognize the right of persons with disabilities to work, on an equal basis with others
Independent Inspections
Disability Legislation
Continuity of Care and Staffing of the Disability Services
St Bernadette’s Resource Centre
Dr Giraldi Home
Future planning for persons with disabilities
Supported Independent Living
Gibraltar Health Authority
Increase support from Government
Accessibility, Services and Transport
This year is the Gibraltar Hearing Issues & Tinnitus Association 10th Anniversary and we are trying to make it a memorable and fruitful one.
We have planned a number of events our campaign week and all of you are welcomed and encouraged to join us.
*Monday 23rd September – Lecture Room John Mackintosh Hall 8pm-10pm
Hearing Services and Assistive Communication Workshop – There will be a number of stalls with information and local knowledgeable professionals who can offer you advise or their services.
*Wednesday 25th September – Lecture Room John Mackintosh Hall 8pm – 10pm
Hearing Issues Support Workshop – Membership/Volunteer Recruitment and members of the GHITA Committee will also be available to answer any of your questions.
*Friday 27th September – Charles Hunt Room at John Mackintosh Hall 7pm – 10pm
GHITA’s Talk – Election manifesto wish list – Speaker Mr Edgar Triay (GHITA Chairperson)
Yours truly,
GHITA Committee
As a result of further discussions between the Gibraltar Taxi Association and Gibraltar Calling Event Organisers a bespoke taxi service has been agreed to support Gibraltar Calling, Andrea Bocelli and Monkey Rocks musical events. Persian Rose 22 seater coaches will also support the transport operation, which will assist with the high volume of ticket holders required to be transported to and from the event.
The event organiser would also like to inform the Public that persons in possession of a disabled blue badge will be allowed access in their vehicle to be dropped off and picked up in a pre-identified location next to the Nun’s Well area. Some will be able to park there but on a first come first serve basis. Further arrangements have been made for transport from Mount Alvernia to the venue.
Stewards will be able to help any person who need assistance. The event organisers say they will work towards ensuring that access is afforded to all.